Thursday, May 7, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane read that right. I am leaving with my mom on a plane tomorrow morning at 10:30 for Florida. Just the two of us are headed to Universal Orlando to enjoy time together and on top of that it is Mother's Day weekend. Who could ask for a better present...mother and daughter trip on this special weekend. I have been looking forward to this for about 4 weeks...that is how long I have been back since the last Florida trip. The real reason we are going, is that my mom has a conference down there for work and I am tagging along. But we are going a day early and staying a day later so we both can enjoy the pool, the beach and maybe check out Universal Orlando as well.

There has not been to much happen since the last post, except that I enjoyed a wonderful girls nigh tout with Amber from work and her friends from church, rang and sang several songs on Sunday for Music Ministry Sunday, and worked this week. We had out first school visits this week and they went well...Let's just say the teachers have no mercy on the students and they are winning two games to one. We will see what happens as the month of May rolls on.

The newest info is that I got a new toy this week, yes a toy. I traded in my car for a new car, still a boat size i may add, but with much less miles. This one will last awhile...lets hope. I like it, still have to get used to a few things, but it is only day two driving it.

That is it for now....till next week...with stories from Florida...have a good one.

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