Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Vacation re-cap

Florida was wonderful, fabulous, relaxing, warm, and.....i could go on and on. The past two weeks I spent in Florida was the best I had on a vacation in a long time. I know that I was really looking forward to it, but after being back, I am so happy I went.

So let me take a moment and recap that really happened the last two weeks. Vacation really started for me on the 18th of March and we headed toward Wytheville, Va where we stayed over night. Then from there we headed to Rock Hill, South Carolina to spend and afternoon and overnight at my Aunt and Uncles new home and actually got to have a real visit with them. We were also able to see the new high school that m cousin is the Head Guidance Counselor at. This high school holds 1500 students and it is the third one in the district and she said there is talk about breaking ground for another high school in the near future. That is a lot of kids. Matthew got to see the weight room and tried to lift some of the weights and he even met the high school coach and got two team shirts. How does he rate. Needless to say Matthew was very very excited. From there we left and headed to Orange City, Florida where we spent, like always the next morning with my Grandparents friends that were in the service with them. After a fabulous lunch with them we headed two hours south and were at the beach! Finally at the beach. I was so happy, but before we even thought about putting any swimsuits on we were good and went to the grocery so that Sunday morning we could watch the sunrise and be by the pool.

Mainly that is what we did for the next two weeks was sit by the pool, read, walk the beach early mornings and afternoons, read, swim, sleep, get a WONDERFUL suntan, swam, eat every once in awhile, swim, talk, play games (both board, card and pool) and rest up for the next day. It was so relaxing, I mean I even read two books down there that I never get to read at home.

One thing about going to this place, is that every year the same people are there about the same time as us, so it is like a big family reunion, but from around the world. I do mean from around the world, well OK, Canada and US. There was us from Ohio, some from, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ontario, Canada, Michigan, Georgia and New York. Like I said, a global family reunion. Each night was something different. Some nights ended up all of us chatting with millions of conversations going at once, other nights were game nights, and some nights were yummy dessert nights. Each unit made a dessert on a different and we enjoyed them immensely.

Let's see what else did I do....Oh yeah one night 5 of us piled in the van and drove to Pass-a-grill and went shelling at 11pm. It was so much fun just us and flashlight and lanterns. We found more shells that night with the little light we had than any other time. That will be a memory, but I have a feeling it will be a tradition each year. Yes we went shopping one day because mother nature decided to dump a thunderstorm on us, but by 12 noon it was gone and we were at the pool.

One night we took our friends from Canada and went to the Roaring 20's pizza and pipes place for supper. We ended being there for almost 3 hours as they have a Wurlitzer organ that a gentleman plays for you while you enjoy your dinner. The amazing thing about this is that this gentleman never looks at music, he has everything memorized. He even takes requests and if you think he may not know it, well you are's memorized too. He was Amazing. Matthew loved it.. My mom even got pictures of Matt dancing with one gal from Canada that went with us.

Every night, no matter what time it was or if we had to turn on the night lights, Matt, Dad, Grandpa and myself played two games of shuffleboard. Dad and I were a team and Matt and Grandpa. The final score from the tournament for the two weeks was 14-3 Dad and Lynne. It was more fun playing, but Dad and I had to have revenge from last year since we lost. We also went putt putting one night and that was just funny. You really had to be there. Grandma likes to hit everything but the green and come about an inch from a whole in one on about every hole. It was funny.

That is pretty much about it. We left St.Petersburg Sat and returned to our homes on Palm Sunday evening. Let;s just say we are ready to go next year. I am serious about that, we already booked it. YEAH. Of course there are picture, so if you want to see them please let me know. At the moment, my mom has them.

Please let spring come...I was not to pleased to come home to snow, but they told me that was my punishment at work for leaving for two weeks.

Until next week....Happy Easter to everyone!

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