Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The past two weeks have been full of paper work, lesson plans, and teacher work sample reviews. I am happy to report that I have completed all of them and turned in the last of them tonight. I am relieved that it is done and I do not have to look at it again. I hope I did OK on it. I am always apprehensive about things that I turn in that is over 5 pages. This work sample that I turned in was 20 pages long. I want to talk to other classmates tonight and see if I was anywhere close to what they had. I know that I put a lot more work into things then I really need too.
Tonight is also my mock interview with the Assistant Superintendent of Jackson Local schools. Yes, I am a little nervous, but I also know that it is just a practice interview and it will only help me when the time comes for me to interview for real in a school system to teach. I have everything in order, both copies of my portfolios,(electronic portfolio, and hard copy). I want to be safe.
Let's see, not to much else has happened since the last post other than this. I am now ready to start finding the kitchen table for real this time, clean and get ready for the holidays. With all the snow that has fallen I am getting in the mood and I am wanting to start baking really bad. I love way the house smells in the winter when baking cookies, bread and yummy winter foods.

I only have 5 days left of student teaching. I am a little excited, but also sad, because I know that I will miss the kids and the teachers and the relationships that I have developed with the teachers in the wing of the school that I was in.

Other than this week, things are going good. I am looking forward to the big shopping trip that I am taking with my friend for work next Saturday! We are heading to Columbus to hit Polaris Shopping Center to hit deals and Christmas shop. I think that I will be shopping mostly for me, but this is OK. I am pretty well done with the family...just have a few things to finish up, but our Christmas this year is a two week trip to the beach in Florida. So make shopping a lot easier this year!

Till next week.....Stay warm.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What a week

this has been. It has been a very trying week for me. If something could go wrong it did. The week started out on a good foot and then as each day progressed and the week marched on it got worse. This was to be a fun week for myself and the kids, but so far it has not turned out that way. We have had a very dis organized week and needless to say today was the worse. We had teachers out, and subs in and the classes were all out of sorts because we needed to change schedule and so much more. Schedule changes are not the easiest to do with Kindergartners. But we survived. Tomorrow is my last day of student teaching. I then have two weeks and three days left. I will still be at the school, but observing other class grades in which I am licenced for. I am kind of looking forward to that after the week I have had.

In other news, not much else is happening. Just working on my e-portfolio and reflective portfolio and preparing for my mock interview that is in two week. After this coming Tuesday and turning in my portfolios I will be one the verge of being done. I can't believe how fast this semester has gone. When you look at the whole picture I only have three weeks left. What will I do with my time when I don't have to write lesson plans for a semester! RELAX that is what I will do!

Hopefully the next time that I post I will be able to tell you that the e-portfolio went well and I scored GREAT on it as well as the reflective portfolio. Until then....enjoy this Beautiful weather that God has blessed us with this week!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Picked for Discussion

Today I was to be at the college at 4:00 for a panel discussion, more or less and interview with persons from NCATE( National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education) who are grading the Education sections of Walsh University. I was selected along with 9 other persons to be apart of this process. So things went very well and we all must have answered the questions the way that they wanted because they told us that they were impressed with our answers and they got what the wanted and heard what they wanted from the group in a matter of 45 minutes. Our part was to take about an hour, so we did well and all ten of us felt good about it and ran over to tell the professors! They seemed very pleased and happy with what we told them. Needless to say I was horribly nervous because i did not know what questions were going to be mine and which ones were going to be whole group, but I did well and once we got started the nerves were gone. I have been through many interview before, but this one was a lot different and nerve wracking for me.

So the final grade will come to the college in April, but the college and professors will know pretty much how they scored by the end of Wednesday night at the dinner with then all. So till then....

4 more days of being head teacher anc ounting 16 total days till completed with school! But I am not counting!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

5 days to go

till I am completed with my 5 weeks of being in charge of the classroom. I can't believe that it has gone this fast and that I am planned for my last week. This week we will be working on the letter /s/ and the sound as well as listing as many words as we can that start with /s/ or that we can hear /s/ in it. It should be fun.

Since yesterday as Halloween we had a party for the kids. No they did not dress up and no we did not tell them about it till about 30 minutes before, because i knew that we, the teachers, would have a hard time keeping them calm all day long. The party went well and everyone walked away happy and wit prizes or treats!

I will be working the rest of the Saturdays in November then I will be back to normal schedule..what's that I ask....Anyway, when I got to work today and checked my e-mail that I have been behind on for about a week, the first thing I opened was from the State, from the Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children. I had sent in a proposal this summer and just saw that I was accepted to be a presenter for the library and for all the educators in the State of Ohio. I even get free room and board. I am really excited. I can now start working on things getting it read and talking with my partner who will also be presenting with me as well. This will happen in May, the 28-30 to be exact. I though will not be thinking about getting thing ready and ordered and printed off till in December and January when I am not in school and when the snow is flying. Good time to work on that stuff!

Not much else is happening these days. I am just on the countdown at the moment. I am looking forward to turning things back over to my cooperating teacher but then again, It will be hard for me not to do anything and be the assistant or the observer in other classrooms that I will be certified in. Till next week....Have a great weekend and week!